Genworth MobilePRO app for iPhone and iPad
The best parts of Genworth PRO, in your pocket.
More and more users are utilizing their iPhones and iPads to conduct their business. We curated a few important features from the Genworth PRO site and created a custom app experience for the iPhone and iPad.
App Features:
Pending Business - Track your current Paper and Quick Request applications by viewing app details, requirements, and status notes.
OK to Sell - See which product categories by state you are appointed and certified to sell with Genworth.
Commissions - Review your latest commission statements by product.
LTC My Business Dashboard – View a summary of your LTC Book of Business, or drill down to see key policy information.
Login with TouchID - Using your current PRO username and password, Apple’s TouchID feature enables login with a finger touch to the device’s home button instead of re-entering your password to save you time.
Genworth is a leading global financial security company, headquartered in Richmond, Virginia. The company specializes in providing financial security and protection through life and long term care insurance, annuities and related financial services.